Run 490 – Boon Hall Oasis, Stony Hill, St Andrew.
Sunday 7 May 2017, 13:30am
Hares:- Hashmaster – Clueless Sherlock, Helping Hands + friends
A gentle Hash trail through some of the grounds of Boon Hall, woodland, quiet rural road and riverside.
About 5km
How to Get There:
Travelling time: From Manor Park it is only 6.2km to the Boon Hall Oasis.
This is an easy drive.
From Manor Park drive up the hill to Stony Hill.
At the cross roads at the top of the hill, turn RIGHT.
The right turn is in to a road called Seaview Road.
You will also see a sign for Boon Hall.
Travel along road for less than a kilometre.
Turn LEFT in to Airy Castle Road.
NB. You will see an official sign on the side of the road, pointing to Boon Hall Oasis.
Travel down the hill, (NB. a poorly pot holed road now) and less then a kilometre along, you will also see a big sign for Boon Hall Oasis.
Turn LEFT off the road and travel down a steeper hill.
At bottom of the hill is a grass car park. Park in there.
JAH3 sign will indicate.
NB. If you should get lost just ask – Boon Hall Oasis is known by all the local communities.
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