Event Description
SATURDAY 20th April, 2019. 5.30am
The Hike: A very pleasant early morning walk! We start at Oakdale and from there we hike to Hollywell Park via Peters Rock & Woodford. This year, like previous years, we plan to stop at the Gap Restaurant for Blue Mountain Coffee (& Breakfast).
Estimate about 7+ hours of your time.
• Perhaps 3+ hours walk up (It will take much less than 3 hours if you are quick)
• +1 hour stop at Hollywell/Gap to eat, have coffee chat etc
• +1 hour walk down to Peters Rock
• +1 hour Rest stop in Peters Rock? (Possible invitation for snacks, beer etc. To be confirmed)
• +1 hour walk down to Norbrook from Peters Rock
Hash Details
Please bring your own! This is not a Hash catering. But refreshments will hopefully be available @ the Gap Café, comfortably nestled at an altitude of 4,200 ft – where the Blue and John Crow mountains meet, close to the border of St. Andrew and Portland. It is advised to carry your own snacks/sandwiches and water.
Crisis, Rice & Peas
Hash Directions
How to get there: See Google ref:
The Hike/Bike starts in Norbrook @ Big Mac’s (Aston) house, 1 Oakdale.
From Olivier Road, turn up Norbrook Road (opposite the back gate of Immaculate High School), continue along for about 1.6km, keep to the left of the fork and go up. Look for the 4th road on the left after the fork, Oakdale Road.
Park in quiet residential street.
Hash Extras
This is a road walk for first half and older marl road in second stage. It is 13.18km up hill. Then 13.18km down hill. Wear strong walking shoes, boots or trainers. Please have a level of fitness. We all start at 5.30am. We meet up at the top. NO NEED TO REGISTER
Rice & Peas 876 997 4700, Crisis 876 493 5959
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