Event Description
A gentle hash through the grounds of Dallas Castle along the Cane River Valley and surrounding area.
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Hash Details
Chicken Pelau (one pot meal, with chicken, vegetable and rice) OR Ackee and Breadfruit salad
Still Water, Pumpkin Eater, & Clueless Sherlock
Hash Directions
SUMMARY: Dallas Castle, (name of the property), borders on the community of Dallas Castle in St. Andrew.
DETAIL. From the traffic lights at top of Old Hope Road (at the Papine market) it is only 10km. But journey time will be between 35 to 45minutes.
NB. This is old Jamaica back road. Once was a good tarmac surface, and stone buttress walls but now, in areas broken up and pot holes and side erosion. But all driveable with care. The road is a little narrow and bumpy in some places but no problem for cars.
Drive up to very end of Old Hope Road to UTECH (Papine) and the traffic lights.
Turn RIGHT at the traffic lights. Drive down John Golding road, passing the University Hospital and the United Theological College.
At the end of this road (where you reach the back gate to the UWI) turn LEFT at the mini roundabout. (sign posted Dallas Castle)
Continue down the hill (past Ellestson Flats). Do not get lost here!. You need to cross the Hope river bridge. (ask for that, if getting confused)
As you go down the hill from the mini roundabout, you bear left into Golding Avenue. The road sweeps round to the right, keep going down hill, bear right and cross the bridge. (See the Google map)
Once across the bridge bear left and drive up the hill. It is windy, with hairpin bends along the way. You will pass through Halls Delight. Just after 7km (from the Papine traffic lights) you reach Lindo’s Gap. Cleary marked with stone sign.
At Lindo’s Gap, turn RIGHT and continue all the way downhill.
At about 1.5km from Lindo’s Gap you will come to T junction. Turn RIGHT. This junction will have a JAH3 sign.
NB!! The road at this point, for about 200 yds is unsurfaced and looks like an old track and dead end. It is not, it is the road! Drive with care.
About 300metres along, (and after reaching good road again), you will see a maintained garden wall running along on your left side.
Look out for a pair of black gates on your left side. Has name Dallas Castle on gate pillar. You have arrived. (about a minute’s drive from the T juntion)
Turn in the gate and park neatly please!, in the lovely grounds of Dallas Castle Estate.
Hash Extras
A river flows through the property and there is also a natural pool nearby where you may be able to take a dip! History: Letters Patent for Dallas Castle Estate were granted in 1681 when Sir Henry Morgan was Governor of Jamaica. Dallas Castle was so named after the illustrious Dallas family that owned the property at the time. It was the birthplace to Alexander James Dallas in the early 1700s, who later became U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, and whose sons, George Mifflin Dallas and Alexander Dallas, went on to become a vice-president of the U.S., and navy commodore. There are historical references to indicate that the City of Dallas, Texas, was so named in honour of George Mifflin Dallas.
August 22, 2018
Clueless Sherlock 876 878 0270 or Still Waters 876 466 1297
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