Hash 534. Jack’s Hill, (top of), St Andrew. Sunday 14 April, 2019. 12 Noon.

April 14, 2019

April 14, 2019

12:00 To 16:30

$700 JA Please note increase

Event Description

A 5km trail in the foothills north of Kingston. The trail involves roads (minor and deserted), ridge, (steepish downhill pathway), ravine, riverbed trial, largely dry and/or shallow, through beautiful, empty forest, and old roadways to reach back to Jack’s Hill (yes uphill!).
There is a little water in the river valley, and likely to get wet feet as you wade and scramble over some sections.
Grade 6 to 7. No ropes required. Walking sticks advised.
Bring change of socks and/or shoes.

Hash Details

Fried chicken OR curried goat. rice & Peas, vegetable. Chicken foot soup.


Clueless Sherlock, Queen Mum

Hash Directions

This is an easy journey, some 15/20 minutes from the Barbican centre. You are travelling up to the top of Jack’s Hill and the Jacks Hill Community centre.

NB. Please note, the Hash does not start at the Texaco petrol station, where some Hashers waited before!
From the Texaco petrol station, at the intersection of Barbican Road and Jack's Hill road, it is a straightforward, 5.7 km, drive to the Jack's Hill community centre.
Driving time from the Texaco is between 15 -20 minutes.
Drive up Jack's Hill road, take the sharp RIGHT ‘S’ bend after 2.6 km, at the multiple sign posts and continue on Jack's Hill road. If you miss this turn, you'll be on Sunset Avenue and will end up in Cherry Gardens!
Drive another 3.1 km you'll find the Jack's Hill community centre on your left. The road is driveable for all cars.

See this Google map reference: https://maps.app.goo.gl/qHPgs

NB. PARKING!!! Please park tight along the side of the road. There is ample space. The football pitch has been enclosed and no longer available

Hash Extras

Trail is a little over 5km. Involves a trailed downhill path. River bed route, 90% dry. All quite 'doable'. Local produce will be on sale, and hopefully honey, from the Apiculture Centre.

April 11, 2019

Clueless Sherlock 876 878 0270

Visited 396 times, 1 Visit today

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