Hash 556. Orange Bay, Portland. Sunday 15 Mar 2020. 11.30am

March 15, 2020

March 15, 2020

11:30 To 15:00


Event Description

A 5km trail through the lush hill, forest and valley of Orange Bay, Portland. Fine scenic views with local forest birds. The trail is quite easy to traverse, as a run or walk.
NB. Trail takes you beside the sea, so bring or wear your swimming costume, if you want a dip.

Hash Details

Fried chicken OR Curry goat.


Soon Cum

Hash Directions

Journey time: About 1 hour and 30 minutes drive.
Direction: You are going to the north side of the Island. Usual and quickest route:
From Kingston, at Manor Park, head up to Stony Hill, and through to Castleton and other communities.
At north side, at the Robert Schumann roundabout turn RIGHT and travel towards Annotto Bay.
Upon reaching Buff Bay, turn left in Buff Bay Square heading towards Blackhill.
Upon reaching Orange Bay Main Road, and as you pass the ‘Orange Bay Infant and Primary School’ stone sign (which is your right) you will turn LEFT onto Wharf Road, at a bright yellow pained shop called ALSHAN ENTERPRISES.
Drive alongside the sea to your destination – There will clear JAH3 signs to follow.

Hash Extras

This is a pleasant and relatively easy Hash. Forest trail and paths. Sea to swim, if wish.

March 12, 2020

Soon Cum 878 878 1468

Visited 500 times, 1 Visit today

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