Event Description
Hashers!, a wonderful trail through a forest path just below Holywell Park. It is about 6.5km total distance, of which 3.5km is in deep forest, on a single file footpath, which descends down some 757ft to a water catchment, then rises up to the old back road which leads uphill back to the Hash Circle.
Hash Details
No food on this Hash.
Clueless Sherlock, Never Screams
Hash Directions
This is very easy. We are meeting at Holywell Park. Everyone should know the location? If you don't or are new to Jamaica, it is as follows: You travel out of Kingston up towards Papine. Take the main road as if driving towards Gordon Town -but you do not go to Gordon Town. You turn LEFT at the Cooperage. (There are clear signs now at the junction which indicate to turn left to Holywell. Just drive carefully up the B1 road all the way up to Holywell. Passing the Gap Cafe, Eits, St Catherine bottling factory, through Newcastle and JDF parade ground and 4km further on is the gate to Holywell. NB. Entrance to Holywell forestry Park is $400 fee per person to the Forestry Commission. Once past the ticket booth, either drive straight ahead, to the far end of the track road, and find a place to park, OR park in the car park on the right of the ticket booth and walk down to where we will all meet, at one of the Gazebos.
Hash Extras
Please Register for the Hash. This helps guide as to the number of persons attending. NB. Please note the distance. About 6.5km - only 4 miles. This is a forest trail which goes down and up hill on a narrowish footpath. There are no rivers to cross. Please also note: A reasonable level of fitness is necessary to complete these walks. If you have not been exercising in a while, this walk may test you. Please be guided.
June 2, 2022
876 878 0270 Hash Master
Visited 378 times, 1 Visit today