Hash 594. Strawberry Fields Together, Robin Hood Bay, St Mary Sun 12 Nov

November 12, 2023

November 12, 2023

10:00 To 14:00

$700.00 JMD

Event Description

“Hashers”.  A welcome return.  A forest trail along shoreline cliffs on a route which leads towards Black Sand Beach and past old ruins in the forest.  A trip of about 8km.  This is largely forest path and trail.  Fine sea views and bracing coastline breezes.  Small climbs and rises.

Hash Details

Fish OR Chicken in either brown stew, curry or fried. There will also be some steamed fish. Do please register for food by Thursday 9th Nov.

$800 JMD

Brian & Girly Bitz

Hash Directions


See above Google pin link.

Drive to the north side of the Island on the Junction road to the Robert Schumann roundabout.  Turn LEFT at the rondabout and cross over the iorn bridge and the Wag Water river.

About 1km further along turn RIGHT turn off the main road.  You will see signs for Green Castle Estate and Strawberry Fields Together at the junction.

Follow this narrower, less well made road for about 7km.  Follow the road signs to Strawberry Fields Together.  Park up at side of road, where there will be a Hash sign.

NB.  Road at this point is quite narrow.  Park on left side of road, on the grass.

Hash Extras

An 8km trail, through forest in sections. It will be humid. Please bring water with you for the hike/run. NB. Black Sands beach is not conducive to swimming - a strong current is present.

November 8, 2023

Brian: 876 857 0965

Visited 920 times, 3 Visits today

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