Hash 601. Giblatore, Nr Bog Walk, St Catherine. Sun 17 March 2024

March 17, 2024

March 17, 2024

10:30 To 14:00

$700.00 JMD

Event Description

“Hashers!” A St Patrick’s Day Hash. (for those with Irish heritage?).

We are going to a small community called Giblatore, which is in the hills above Bog Walk.  A trail of some 5/6 km.  The Gleaner described Giblatore as ‘…a little known community…There are cane fields all around, loaded ackee trees stand unmolested in public spaces and residents generally make it a point to wave hello to strangers’.

There will be some fine views and a new place to explore and exercise.

Hash Details

There will be soup at this Hash, for a nominal cost.

cost awaits

Downward Facing Dog

Hash Directions

Ok, focus. You drive to Bog Walk first.  So either take the route over the Flat Bridge (which crosses the Rio Cobre) and drive through to the large Bog Walk roundabout, or, those who know it, take the Sligoville road out of Kingston, and you exit directly on to the main road bridge just before the Bog Walk roundabout.

Cross the main road bridge, enter the Bog Walk roundabout, turn 1st LEFT off the roundabout.  The turn LEFT again at the T junction immediately ahead of you.

Go straight ahead (do not take the Barry main road, which bends round to the right) but the small, rough looking road ahead of you. This road is narrow, winding and goes steeply uphill, as it rises up out of the Rio Cobre river gorge.

After 300/400 metres there is steep left hairpin bend. Continue and pass a sign named Jew Pen Hill. The road crosses over the north/south highway on a bridge.

Once over the highway, continue for about 2 miles and you reach a T junction.  Turn LEFT.  There is an arrow showing to Giblatore.

Travel along this road, until you reach Val's shop and bar. Park up on side of road. You've arrived!

Hash Extras

No disclosure has been made by the Hare! But there is no mention of rivers, deep bush or risk. A rural Hash on parochial trail and road.

March 14, 2024

876 878 0270 Hash Master

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