Event Description
“Hashers!” Our last Hash of the year. JAH3’s Red Dress Hash. A change from the advertised one – the roads are too bad in St Thomas. However, Cockpit and friends bring you a 5/6km trail through the foothills of St Catherine.
Remember, this is our Christmas Hash, so wearing of something red and festive is required. A prize, as always, for the Best Dressed in Red, for man and women. (Hash Master doesn’t want to see Hashers attending in boring ‘non-red’ clothing).
Hash Details
There is no meal at this Hash. Please bring your own snacks/sandwiches. For those who wish, we can stop at Kingston Reggae Gdns on way back.
Cockpit, David & Grace Picking
Hash Directions
Ok, concentrate. The directions can seem a little complicated! (Ask the Hares!) We leave Kingston via Manor Park, travel up Stony Hill road, down other side and pass through Golden Spring. You are travelling to Glengoffe, via Lawrence Tavern, and little way beyond Glengoffe. Journey time from Manor Park is apparently about an hour and 29 kilometres. Please see the guidance listed below by the Hares: Also see this Google pin reference. Use it!
Hash Extras
RED DRESS Hash. Please wear something Red. Prize for best dressed. This Hash does not involve crossing any rivers or water. It may well rain - it has for last two months! Long trousers is recommended for this trail and some insect repellent.
December 12, 2024
HashMaster Clueless Sherlock. 876 878 0270
Visited 509 times, 1 Visit today