Event Description
“Hashers” it’s JAH’s 27th year anniversary. FLaT and Den Den bring you their special 27 year Hash event which starts from the Melrose Yam Park, (This is the location of the food stalls on the hill, by the side of the main road, on the route to Mandeville).
There are three trails! i) a 2.5k “Easy Out”. ii) the 5.5k “Chicken trail” and iii) the “Eagle trail” for those who believe they can fly. Fine views, new environment, easy drive out.
The Hares advise, there is a hill involved in this Hash trail.
Hash Details
Meals can be purchased from one of a number of food stalls at the Yam Park.
Purchase from traders
FLaT, Den Den
Hash Directions
We are going to the Melrose Yam Park. This is the location of the food stalls which sit at the side of the main road, on the hill before the Williamsfield roundabout, when driving to Mandeville. So leave Kingston and take the Toll highway towards Mandeville. The new toll road means that the Yam Park can only be accessed from the downhill side of the road. to the Williamsfield roundabout (you will see the stalls on the right, as you drive up hill) and return back down the other side of the main road (driving towards Kingston) and you will reach the Yam Park within about 5 minutes. Total journey time to reach is about one hour/one hour, 15, if keep to speed limit! There is ample parking and toilets at the site.
Hash Extras
The first 27 Hashers to arrive will receive a gift! in celebration of our 27th year. Be there first or be disappointed. There is no water to cross. NB.NB. There is a hill to ascend/descend. Please wear good shoes with grip. Do bring water. It is hot.
February 13, 2025
HashMaster Clueless Sherlock. 876 878 0270
Please note: FLaT advises that the speed limit on the Mandeville highway is 80kph. He reports the police are policing the speed limit everyday (and Sunday) so please do drive safely and within speed limit to reach the location.
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