Event Description
“Hashers!” 4 weeks since our last Hash! The break is over, Summer’s going/gone, the Olympics have finished. Time to get out and get fit – again.
We will meet at Redlight, St Andrew, which is about 2km beyond Irish Town. (We met at this same location last Sept).
An 8km forest path and road trail which circles around the Hope river valley. A lovely trail, which will fill your lungs! The route is a mix of different sections many of you will have walked in the past.
Hash Details
No meal provided at this Hash. But Cafe Blue is very nearby at Irish Town, where meals can be purchased enroute back home.
Clueless Sherlock, Never Screams,
Hash Directions
This is very straightforward. Leave Kingston via Papine, and the main driving road towards Newcastle. Drive uphill and pass through Irish Town and our regular food stop at Cafe Blue. About 2km past Irish Town you'll reach Redlight. Journey time about 40minutes from Papine. Park at Redlight. Hopefully we will be able to park on the empty land, just above the main roadway, which is on a sharp right turn, just as you reach Redlight. Hash signs will be there.
Hash Extras
This trail is exactly 8km. That is 5 miles. The route is not flat. Sections of the route involve some steepish up hill and then down hill! The trail is a mix of parochial paths, farmer paths, coffee path and road. There are no precipices. The route reaches down to the Hope river and rises back up to the main driving road, below Newcastle. We have to wade across the Hope river, ankle deep, for a few yards. Please ensure you have a good level of walking fitness. It's a strong 5 miles.
August 15, 2024
876 878 0270 Hash Master
Hashers!. Never Screams has obtained a further batch of new Hash T shirts. These will be for sale at the Hash - $2500 JMD each.
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