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This page lets you add the relevant finances for a Hash, print off a copy of the Balance Sheet and also view historical Cash data.
Start by selecting a Hash Run Number from the drop down list and clicking Fetch. This will refresh the page with new areas visible. If you still have the records then you can back fill the data if you wish!
The page will automatically create entries in a few database tables, as well as fetch down the Header information for the chosen Hash. If this data has not changed since the page was last accessed then you will get a message to reflect this.
The header table reflects the values provided when the Hash was input and any data added by the Registration Team.
Steps 1 - 3 Complete these sections with the actual values after a Hash. Any details currently in the database will be shown above each table for reference.
Please note that each table will update all values for that section, so re-enter any existing data to prevent lost information.
Once you have completed Steps 1 - 3 you can click on the See Balance Sheet button to bring up the summary sheet. When you are happy that the information is complete and accurrate you can click the Print button if you want to keep a Hard Copy.
This will open up a new tab with just the Balance Sheet details visible. Use the browser print option to get your copy.
You can view a one line per Hash table by clicking on the Show History button in the Balance Summary History section.